Tuesday, November 21, 2017

"Up up up can only go up from here"

WEEK 61: November 20, 2017

Sooo this week Shania Twain gets a fat shoutout!! Things only went UP and got better from last week and I am so so grateful for that! Last week was one of those weeks that everyone needs to slap them back into reality. I thought I was already there, but guess not..lol. On a very positive note, WE HAD A BAPTISM AND CONFIRMATION!! We always have to specify that last part bc sometimes here in Cabo Verde people end up missing church the next day and then never end up getting confirmed membros ...BUT, Diana was baptized and now officially has the gift of the Holy Ghost and is a member of the true church of Christ! QUE BENÇÃO. I'm so grateful I have gotten to know these two cute girls and their family. They are such great examples and I know their family will continue to see the difference in them and have the desire to have that same light of Christ. This past week we were able to go to the church with both of them and have the Martineau's (a senior missionary couple) help them create a family history account. It was easily one of the cutest things I have seen here on my mission. Diana was SO thrilled everytime she would type in the name of one of her ancestors and it would pop up in her family tree. Just watching her face light up made me so happy, and in that moment I received yet another confirmation that I am EXACTLY where I'm supposed to be. I was supposed to meet these girls for a reason. God is good. 

Sis Miller and I also found the COOLEST family EVER. Normally when we meet people who are Catholic they are not receptive at all... but this family was just super cool and had the light of Christ about them. They gladly welcomed us in and afterwards fed us peixinho (small fried fishies.) It was so good and thankfully they welcomed us back for another visit in which we were able to share with them the message of the restoration. It was so amazing and the spirit was so strong. They are very open to hearing the word of God and learning more about Him and His Son. So we are expecting very good things from them. We go back tomorrow so will keep ya'll updated. 

HIGHLIGHT OF THE WEEK: We were able to go with a few membros in our ward and give a spiritual thought at the Fogo prison. Let me just say that it was easily the coolest and most spiritual experience of my ENTIRE mission and I will NEVER forget the spirit that was there that day. I literally felt as though Sis Miller and I were teaching from a pillar of fire like Néfi e Leí in Helaman 5. It was amazing. I don't have words to describe how cool it was and how repentent those prisoners were. All I know is that God loves ALL of his children no matter what, and He has a perfect plan for EVERYONE. 

Fun facts of the week: got to hold another baby monkey and Ive decided that I want a pet monkey when I get back to MURICA. Also gave a bunch of adorable black children, fidget spinners this week and they absolutely LOVED them. Thank you Camdog...AND biggest news of all, I ate a fish eyeball...and that will definitely be the LAST time I ever eat a fish eyeball :) You're welcome for another novel ;) have a FAB week and remember that if God loves prisoners in a Fogo prison, that He too loves YOU!!  bj'sssss txau 

Much love
Sister Jorgensen

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